Arthur Christmas
Yes, I think that every child deserves a christmas gift because I honestly think that everyone deserves a second chance in life. The little girl was expecting a pink bycicle i think it was. Yeah she was excited and expecting the gift. I know because i've been in that fase of life when im expecting and hoping that Santa brings me the gifts I want and asked for. The difference is that every Santa have different actions and preference. I prefer the old grumpy Santa just because how sentimental he was in the movie. Its important because whats the point if you see him its better to stay with the ilusion and hope that he'll bring me presents. Luckily I have never seen Santa but my step mom was the one who told me that Santa doesn't excist and i really didn't want her to tell me that when i was only 7 years old. The ideas they give is how many childs are missing theyre presents and this is like a checklist. I found it pretty logical because its an invention like a check list. I enjoyed the movie and I recommend it.